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U.S. Forces Japan (在日米軍司令部)東日本大震災

Please see these words from Lt. Gen. Sam Angelella commemorating the fourth anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
“When the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred on March 11, 2011, the world witnessed the strong, resilient and unbending will of the Jieitai, and ordinary citizens as they worked to overcome one of the greatest disasters in Japan’s history.

As the commander of United States Forces in Japan, it is inevitable that my memories of the Great East Japan Earthquake, the subsequent tsunami, and nuclear disaster are anchored by the unprecedented collaboration between the Jietai and USFJ. When these tragic events unfolded, it was clear to me that our two nations were working together as seamless partners, facing one of the greatest challenges of the post-war era.

It is my honor to continue the strong partnership that was exemplified during the earthquake response. Today, the spirit that animated our bilateral relief efforts lives on in every act of partnership between our people, whether as large as our renewed strategic agreements or as small as an American servicemember greeting his Japanese neighbors on the street. This is the same spirit that has propelled us forward for 70 years, through times of peace and strife, and it will last for as long as our nations cherish peace, stability and prosperity.

This is a time of remembrance for the earthquake and tsunami victims, their friends and families, and the nation as whole. As Japan and its people are our steadfast allies and friends, we share this solemn obligation, and will keep them in our thoughts today."




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