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International Tibet Network Members' Message
6 July 2015

Dear yoshi,

We send you our best wishes on the occasion of the Dalai Lama’s 80th birthday!

To mark this special day, International Tibet Network has issued a short video statement: http://dalailama80.org/day-80/.

“Action for 80” is dedicated to His Holiness, from the 20 members of International Tibet Network's globally-elected Steering Committee - who represent Tibet Groups on six continents - and Secretariat

The message sends "our congratulations to His Holiness on his 80th birthday, and vow to intensify our efforts in support of Tibetans inside Tibet. We appeal to the global community to join us, to stand on the right side of history, so that one day soon, Tibetans can live in peace and freedom and His Holiness can return home.” 

This video concludes our 80-day countdown to His Holiness’ 80th birthday. www.dalailama80.org reflects the love and respect with which His Holiness is regarded around the world. It is an expression of our dedication - on the occasion of His Holiness' 80th birthday - to bringing the global movement together to effect real change for Tibet.

Birthday messsage grab2.jpg

As a valued friend of Tibet, we are so grateful for your continued support of our efforts   to strengthen the global movement campaigning for Tibet. Please consider making a donation to help us still further https://tibetnetwork.org/donate.
Our gratitude goes to those who have given already.

Many thanks for your ongoing support,

Tibet Network Steering Committee Members: Dhardon, Kyinzom, TenDolkar, Wangchuk, Dennis, Giovanni, Carole, Dulce, Cerys, Rinzin, Philippa, Migmar, Vincent, Emmanuelle, Tanya, Natasha, Susan, Nyima Lhamo, DoTseten, Hsing Chung
and staff: Alison, Jigdal, Mandie, Tseten and Tereluz

PS There is a version of the video with Tibetan subtitles on http://dalailama80.org/day-80/, as well as a compilation “Happy Birthday” video message from the Network Steering Committee and staff.

Photo credit top right Ian Cumming