
チベット独立と支那共産党に物言う人々の声です 転載はご自由に  HPは http://palden.org

チベットで現在起きている 重大な人権侵害と    それに伴うチベット人の抗議活動


チベットで現在起きている 重大な人権侵害と    それに伴うチベット人の抗議活動、
中国共産党の弾圧に対して 外務省に対しての呼びかけの要請です
(この文章は 自国外務省宛です、英語で英国や米国)


Ask your government to speak up for Tibet

Tibetans in Tibet never stop resisting China's occupation of their land. At great risk, they stand up for their rights against the largest dictatorship in the world.

Their courage and resilience deserves the support of the global community. China must not be allowed to believe that the world will turn a blind eye to its illegal occupation and shameless abuse of human rights.

Use the form below to directly contact the foreign ministry of your country and ask your foreign minister to take action for Tibet.

You can change the subject line and content of the email for greater impact.
Email subject *
Please enter a title for your email.
Email message *
Dear Minister of Foreign Affairs,As a citizen of Japan, I am contacting you today to urge this government to take action over the ongoing crisis in Tibet.Tibet today is one of the most repressed societies in the world. Tibetans in Tibet are denied the right to speak freely, to celebrate their national identity and culture and to pursue their religion without state interference and control. They are even forbidden to carry or display images of their spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, and their national flag. Despite this repression and a lifetime of occupation, Tibetans continue to oppose China's rule and seek freedom to exercise their right to self-determination as a people. In struggling peacefully for their human and civil rights, Tibetans pay a heavy price. China uses lethal force, torture, arbitrary detention, punitive sentencing, collective punishments and Orwellian surveillance in an attempt to control the Tibetan population. Tibetans accused of crimes "endangering" or "splitting" the state have even fewer of the meagre legal protections that other citizens of China are granted. China's repression generates further resistance, leading to a constant cycle of protest and human rights abuses. China must change its policy in Tibet and I call on you to do all in your power to ensure that China respects human rights in Tibet immediately, addresses the grievances of the Tibetan people and works with them constructively to realise their right to self-determination.In the first instance, I urge you on behalf of Japan to press China to ratify and fully implement the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and to allow unrestricted access to Tibet to international media, diplomats and the human rights institutions of the United Nations. Thank you for your time and I look forward to your reply.Yours sincerely
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