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海万博 「チベット人のために創った」バレエ劇中止へ 裏で当局の圧力か

ブリティッシュ・カウンシル(英国公的国際文化交流機関)からの要請で、バレエ公演は中止に。バレエの作曲者・ピート・ウァイヤー氏は遺憾の意を表した(Getty Images)

上海万博 「チベット人のために創った」バレエ劇中止へ 裏で当局の圧力か

大紀元日本9月12日】9月8日に上海万博会場で公演が予定されていた英国のバレエ劇「在水一方(The Far Shore)」は、ブリティッシュ・カウンシルと英国ロイヤル・バレエ団からの要請により中止となった。バレエ劇の作曲者、ピート・ウァイヤー氏(Pete Wyer)氏の「(この曲は)チベット人のために創った」という言葉が、「政治的な媒体」になりうると判断されたためだ。中国ウォッチャーは、チベット問題に敏感な中国政府からのクレームがあったと見ている。









A British composer says he is "deeply disappointed anddismayed" by the British Council's decision to cancel a performance of hisballet in Chinabecause it was dedicated to the people of Tibet.
Pete Wyer's The Far Shore was created for the Shanghai Expo and was to be premiered next week as thehighlight of the event's "UK National Day".
But the British Council and English National Ballet cancelled the performance after learningof the dedication, saying in a joint statement that it was inappropriate to goahead because the piece had become "a political vehicle".
China experts said they appeared to be pre-empting complaints from theChinese government, which is highly sensitive to criticism of its rule inTibet.
Wyer wrote on the score that the piece was loosely inspired by the folktale which inspired Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake, adding: "It is a story oftruth triumphing over deception and darker forces. It is dedicated to thepeople of Tibet, for speaking the truth, protecting their cultural identitydespite the dangers they face."
It is understood that the British Council and ENB were unaware of thededication until the Times contacted them.
"I'm deeply disappointed, and particularly dismayed about theimpact on the choreographer, Van Le Ngoc, and the dancers," Wyer said."It is incorrect to categorise the balletas a political vehicle. The dedication was a small personal gesture and nothingto do with politics. It is standard artistic practice for a composer or artistto dedicate their work to whoever or whatever they like. In this case Idedicated the work to the Tibetan people and their culture – a culture that isappreciated by many Chinese people in China, too."