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英国の 『Free Tibet』 のHPより転載

Lone Tibetan protester arrested

Friday, 28 November 2014
Sonam Yarphel, lone protester
Sonam Yarphel、孤独な抗議者
Senior Tibetan monks blamed and threatened with further investigation
A 22-year old Tibetan monk was arrested on 26 November 2014 at around 3:50pm local time whilst carrying out a solo protest.
Sonam Yarphel marched along a street in the capital of Sershul County in Kardze, Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture.
Sonam Yarphelは、Kardze(チベット自治県)で、Sershul郡の中心地の通りに沿って行進しました。
He was heard shouting slogans of “Long Live the Dalai Lama", "Return the Dalai Lama to Tibet", and "Tibetans Have No Freedom”. He also held a banner with “Long Live the Dalai Lama" written in Tibetan and a photograph of the Dalai Lama.
His protest lasted for approximately 10 to 15 minutes before local Chinese police arrested Yarphel and took him to the county detention centre.
A number of Tibetan bystanders had gathered and some of them tried to help the protester as he was being apprehended.

Monastery under investigation

After Yarphel’s arrest, Chinese police went to his monastery to question other monks. Senior monks from Mangge Monastery have been accused of being behind Yarphel's protest and further investigation has been threatened.
Yarphelの逮捕の後、中国の警察は、他の修道士に質問するために、彼の修道院に行きました。Mangge Monasteryからの上級修道士はYarphelの抗議の後にいたとして訴えられました、そして、更なる調査は恐れがありました。
The presence of police and security officers has been significantly increased on the streets of Sershul County and all communication lines have been cut in the area.

Solo protests

There have been various solo protests in China-occupied Tibet, including two in Kardze last month. Passang Wangchuk and Doree, who were both arrested, called for freedom and the return of the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama.

Take Action

All types of free speech are criminalised in Tibet, even simply singing songs expressing national pride. Read more and sign our petition to free Tibet’s Jailed Musicians.
すべての種類の言論の自由チベットで違法とされます。そして、単に愛国心を表している歌さえ違法です。より多くを読んで、自由な Tibet’s Jailed Musicians.に我々の嘆願書に署名してください。
(ここから FreeTibetの HP署名に飛んでください)