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"Tibetan Community Japan 在日チベット人コミュニティー" <info@tibetancommunity.jp>: Oct 31 09:41AM +0900 

To the Tibetan Community Japan and supporter,
It is to inform you that I, Tenzin Kunga Khangsar and Sonam Gyalmo is representing the new member from henceforth. 
First of all I would like to pay my hearfelt gratitude to all of you for unstinting and unwavering faith and support 
to the cause of Tibet since for long time. And we Tibetan Community will carry on our activities with the blessing 
of His Holiness The Dalai Lama and your support till we attain our goals. 
I sincerely apologise not been able to contact and send information being away from Japan for entire october. 
As there are lot of activities is being carried around the world by Tibetan Community and its supporter vehemently 
for the Tibet Cause, and 2019, March 10 (which is 60th anniversary since China Occupied Tibet), the Tibetan around the 
World is planning to stage huge protest and activities against China. We Tibetan member of Japan would like to request 
all the supporter to lend their helping hand and precious time and energy to make this event a successful one. 
Therefore, if the Tibet Supporter Group and Tibetan Community could gather soon to layout the plan for coming uprising 
day, I would like to gather information and ideas of each group and individual siding difference out.
As we are aware that currently Uighyrs is undergoing most brutal and toughest situation, since Xi-Jinping became the
China President and Uighyrs all around the world are doing their best to highlight their situation and they are getting
attention of the world now. So we together with Uighyrs and other minorities group could make the impact much intense 
against China.
So, I personally would like to hear the voice of each person and group and looking positively for your kind cooperation.
Sincerey Yours,
Tenzin Kunga Khangsar
Sonam Gyalmo
今後、新しく在日チベット人コミュニティの代表を努めさせて頂くことになりましたテンジン クンガ カンサールとソナム ギャルモと申します。






テンジン クンガ カンサール
ソナム ギャルモ
Tibetan Community Japan