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中学生に対して  政治行動を行ったゆえ投獄


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を 掲げる チベット独立運動こそ 今日本に必要ではないか。

Leader of student protest in Machu sentenced to 2 years in jail


Phayul[Friday, September 24, 2010 11:29]
Phayul [2010年9月24日金曜日11:29]
Dharamsala,September 24 - A Tibetan student leader who was detained in March forleading a protest against the Chinese government on the secondanniversary of the 2008 nation-wide uprising has been sentenced to twoyears’ imprisonment, Dolkar Kyap, a native of Machu now livinghere said.
Dharamsala、9月24日 -2008年の全国的な反乱の第2の記念日に中国政府に対する抗議を導くために3月に拘留されたチベットの学生リーダーは、2年の投獄、DolkarKyap、現在、言われてここで生きているMachu生まれの人を宣告されました。

Thupten Nyima,who was detained in March was accused of leading protests by some 30students from the Machu Tibetan Nationality Middle School. Over 500other Tibetans later joined the student protest on March 14 this year.The protesters were demanding Tibetan independence and shouting againstthe lack of freedom, Kyap said in March this year. At least 40 peoplewere detained following the protest.
ThuptenNyima、3月に拘留されましたMachu Tibetan Nationality MiddleSchoolからの約30人の学生による主要な抗議の訴えました。500人以上の他のチベット人は、今年、3月14日に後で学生抗議に加わりました。抗議者はチベットの独立を要求していて、自由の不足に対して叫んでいたと、Kyapが今年3月に言いました。少なくとも40人は、抗議の後で拘留されました。

Thupten was tried by the an Intermediate Court in Kanlho Prefecture but it is not known where he is currently held.

Thestudents of the same school carried out their second protest on April3, 2010. The students were protesting against the firing of theschool’s headmaster and two of his Tibetan assistants from theirjobs by Chinese authorities in March, Kyap said, citing sources in theregion.

Theschool’s headmaster Kyabchen Dedrol, and his twoassistants―Do Re and Choekyong Tseten―were fired by Chineseauthorities following the pro-independence protest by students on March14, the second anniversary of the nation-wide protests that startedfrom Lhasa, the Tibetan capital.
学校は校長Kyabchen Dedrolです、そして、彼の2つのassistants―Do ReとChoekyongTseten―wereは3月14日の学生による独立賛成派抗議、ラサから始まった全国的な抗議の第2の記念日、チベットの首都の後で中国当局によって火がつきました。

Two students were also expelled from school for criticizing the government's patriotic re-education campaign, Kyap added.