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中国軍がチベット人に銃弾を浴びせる中 ラサに外国資本のホテル完成

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The luxury InterContinental Hotels & Resorts Hotel in Lhasa is set to open for a trial run this weekend as part of the Chinese government’s celebration of "Beautiful home, Happy Lhasa", a programme of propaganda events: http://freetibet.org/

Friday, 22 August 2014 by
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Email Intercontinental chief executive Richard Solomons and join the boycott.
Help us continue to campaign for freedom in Tibet. Donate to FreeTibet today

Boycott Intercontinental

Help us reach our target of 8,000 names

Intercontinental Hotels Group, owner of Holiday Inn, is opening a luxury hotel in Lhasa, Tibet. The Intercontinental Resort Lhasa Paradise will be a playground for the rich in the heart of an oppressed nation.

Intercontinental will sell the image of a peaceful, spiritual and unspoiled land but, after more than 60 years of military occupation by the world’s largest dictatorship, Tibet is no paradise.

Intercontinental’s hotel will not benefit Tibetans: Tibet is being sucked dry and business in Tibet serves China.
Intercontinental must not profit from tyranny.
Join the boycott and tell Intercontinental chief executive Richard Solomons to get out of Tibet.
For more information see our Intercontinental website.
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Mr SolomonsLhasa is not a playground. It is an occupied city whose people are subjected to gross human rights abuses. Your presence in Tibet and your marketing of Lhasa as a “paradise” destination hides the reality of a brutal military occupation, where peaceful protesters are killed, people are disappeared, and torture is commonplace. You are gifting priceless PR to the oppressors of Tibet.Your hotel and its business facilities will be used by the regime and its cronies. Your staff, like all Tibetans in Lhasa, will face imprisonment, torture and worse for opposing the authorities - the same authorities which have encouraged the building of your hotel. Running a hotel in Lhasa is in direct contradiction to Intercontinental's CSR policies. Your company is supporting and cosying up to a brutal dictatorship.As a result, I will be boycotting Intercontinental hotels until you get out of Tibet.
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