
チベット独立と支那共産党に物言う人々の声です 転載はご自由に  HPは http://palden.org

G20 参加国に対して 今チベットの現状を

日本では 北京のAPEC終了で国際的な話は 
総選挙に 飛んでしまいました。
欧米諸国では G20のほうが格が上です。
SFTが乗り込んで 中国に圧力をかけて 欧米諸国に今こそチベットの現実を訴えるうごきをしています。

ネット空間でこれを伝えることを 提案しています。 ↓の色で示したところから

署名は 習金平の顔のところから 署名に入れます。

We are a day away from the G20 Leaders' Summit in Brisbane, Australia and Dorjee Tseten and I are here now prepping for days of rally and actions. Help us amplify our efforts here by taking action with us. Sign the petition calling on the world leaders to Unite for Tibet and Stand up to China now.
Sign the petition today! http://www.unitefortibet.org

Dear yoshi,
G20: Unite for Tibet, Stand up to China
Powerful world leaders will be sitting across from Chinese President Xi Jinping during the G20 Summit this weekend in Australia. 
Help us ensure the leaders Unite for Tibet and Stand up to China. .
Take Action
Some of the most powerful world leaders will be sitting across the table from Chinese President Xi Jinping during the G20 Leaders’ Summit this weekend in Australia. 
That’s why I am here in Australia with my team member and SFT Asia Director Dorjee Tseten to ensure that world leaders hear from all of us loud and clear. We are taking this opportunity to deliver our message to world leaders: Unite for Tibet and Stand Up to China.
We have been traveling across Australia meeting with the Tibetan communities and supporters, giving non-violence trainings and mobilizing support for Tibet. We gave a talk at Sydney University - the same university where we secured a victory last year in bringing His Holiness the Dalai Lama back to give a public talk despite China’s best attempts to shut him out.
Xi Jinping and the Chinese government are attempting to erode political support for Tibet internationally and are bullying our governments one by one into silence on Tibet. But once Beijing is pressured by a team of united world leaders, it will be forced to address its repressive policies that have driven at least 133 Tibetans to light their own bodies on fire in protest.
Our agenda for the G20 in Brisbane is clear: Spotlight Tibet as an urgent issue and compel a team of like-minded world leaders to take joint action to hold China accountable for its atrocities in Tibet.
Please help amplify our efforts in Australia by taking action today:
We are working with an amazing crew of dedicated, smart youth from across Australia, the local Tibetan communities and Australia Tibet Committee to make sure the G20 leaders stand united for Tibet, and against China’s schoolyard bullying tactics. Together, with your support we will make a difference for Tibet.
Pema Yoko
With hope and determination,
Pema Yoko Signature
Pema Yoko with Dorjee Tseten

P.S. Take your support one step further by making a donation today: http://sft.convio.net/site/Donation2?3280.donation=form1&df_id=3280
Donate today!