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Students for a Free Tibet

We just received news that Tenzin Delek Rinpoche’s niece, Nyima Lhamo, has fled Tibet and arrived in Dharamsala. While the news was a surprise to all of us, we are relieved to hear that she has safely made it out of Tibet. 
In a press conference held yesterday in Dharamsala, Nyima Lhamo made the following statement:

“I came out of Tibet to speak out to the world about Tenzin Delek Rinpoche. I urge China to reveal the true circumstances that led to Rinpoche’s death and I hope that China’s allegations against Rinpoche be thoroughly investigated.”

WATCH full press conference here (English interpretation begins midway): http://tinyurl.com/vot-nyima

It was an unbelievable moment when I first met her in person. You may remember that around this time last year we were able to take action, with your support, and insure her safe release after being detained for protesting Rinpoche’s forced cremation. I never thought I’d be seeing her in Dharamsala a year later. 

I cannot imagine the courage and sacrifice it must have taken her to leave her mother and six-year-old daughter and embark on a risky journey to tell the world about Rinpoche’s death and seek justice. Listening to her speak, there is no doubt that she is a fighter with a clear mission. She believes Rinpoche's death in Chinese prison last year was not caused by a heart attack, as Chinese officials claimed, but by torture. To this day, Rinpoche’s family members and thousands of his followers in Tibet have not lost hope and continue to call for a thorough investigation on his death. 

During this purposeful journey of hers, our collective effort is crucial. Since Nyima Lhamo’s arrival, I’ve had the opportunity to support her and will continue doing so, whether it be coordinating media, providing translations or standing by her and her decision to come to Dharamsala to seek justice for her uncle.

As we approach a new stage in our ‘Justice for Tenzin Delek’ campaign, we look forward to your continued support.

Even though Rinpoche is no longer with us, there is still work to be done in securing his legacy, promoting his vision, standing up for Tibetans who continue to suffer under China’s rule, and sending a strong message to China’s authorities that they will not get away with killing Tibetans - that they will be held accountable.

With hope and determination,
Dorjee Tseten
Asia Director
P.S. To learn more about SFT’s ‘Justice for Tenzin’ campaign, visit: http://justicefortenzin.org/
P.P.S. For more information on Nyima Lhamo’s escape to India, read: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/ap/article-3712017/Niece-leading-Tibetan-priest-flees-China.html

我々は、ちょうどテンジンDelekリンポチェの姪(Nyima Lhamo)がチベットから逃げて、Dharamsalaに到着したというニュースを受けました。 ニュースが我々全員にとっての驚きである間、我々は彼女が問題なくチベットの外にしたと聞いていて安心します。

Dharamsalaで昨日開催される記者会見では、Nyima Lhamoは、以下の声明をしました:
ここ(イギリスの解釈は中間に始まります)のWATCH一杯の記者会見: http://tinyurl.com/vot-nyima

私が直接彼女に初めて会ったとき、信じられないような瞬間でした。 あなたは、昨年、我々が、あなたの支持で、行動を起こして、リンポチェの強制的火葬に抗議するために拘留された後、彼女の安全な解放に保険をかけることができた事を思い出すかもしれません。 私は、1年後でDharamsalaで彼女に会っていると決して思いませんでした。
 彼女が話すのを聞いて、彼女がくっきりした目的を持った闘士であるということは疑いないです。 彼女は、中国の刑務所でのリンポチェの死が中国の当局が主張したように、心臓発作によってではなく、拷問によって昨年起因したと思っています。
彼女のこの意図的な旅行の間、我々の総体的な努力は重要でした。 Nyima Lhamoの到着から、私には彼女を支える機会があり、そうし続けます、それがメディアを調整、翻訳を提供など、彼女のおじのために正義を捜すためにDharamsalaに来るという彼女の彼女の決定のそばに立って。



チベット人 を殺しては、逃げられない」という

Dorjee Tseten


P.P.。 インドへのNyima Lhamoの脱出の詳細については、読んでください:    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/ap/article-3712017/Niece-leading-Tibetan-priest-flees-China.html