
チベット独立と支那共産党に物言う人々の声です 転載はご自由に  HPは http://palden.org



2015年01月04日 17:54
1: ダーティプア ★ 2015/01/04(日) 15:50:41.44 ID:???.nethttp://livedoor.blogimg.jp/gensen_2ch/imgs/8/9/89c751d6-s.jpg
Michael Yon
December 1, 2015



これらは全て日本-アメリカ-韓国の強い絆を衰えさせることを意図した巨大な情報操作の一環であり,その背後にいるのは国際的に連携したネットワークを持つ中国(RPC:People's Republic of China)である.

グレンデール像を2度見に行ったことがある.二度目に行ったときには日本共産党のグループがそこに居た.--彼らは自分自身を共産党と明かした.-- 赤旗新聞(日本共産党の新聞)の求めに応じて像を訪れたのだ.彼らは新聞記者とドキュメンタリー映画制作者と共にやってきた.




ソース:Michael Yon JP January 4, 2015


 ← 1日1クリックで応援してね


Michael Yon
December 1, 2015

Japan demands 'comfort women' statues be removed
The statues in Union City, New Jersey and Glendale, California should be removed and taken to the dump. This is all part of a massive information
operation designed to undermine Japan-US-ROK relations, and the big hand behind this is PRC, under steam of the "Global Alliance" network.
Twice I visited the Glendale statue. On my second visit there was a group of Japanese communists -- they identified themselves as communists
-- who had answered an advertisement in the Shimbun Akahata (Japanese communist paper) to visit the statue. They arrived with journalists and
a documentary filmmaker.
As for the statue itself, the plaque lists various countries who are against Japan on this issue, such as Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia. This is wrong.
I checked with Thailand, as example, and Thailand has no issues with this. Indonesia also has no issues, and Singapore, being smart, will not allow
these propaganda statues to be installed in Singapore.
USA: take a hint from Thailand, Singapore, and Indonesia. The only people going nuts about Comfort Women is Korea. Meanwhile, China is smiling
and rubbing its hands together that its information operation is unfolding so beautifully, at least in America, and for Japan-haters.
Glendale now realizes it was caught in a trap. Glendale should drive down to the library (the statue is next door) with a pickup truck and rip this
propaganda out of the ground.