
チベット独立と支那共産党に物言う人々の声です 転載はご自由に  HPは http://palden.org

1960年9月2日に チベット中央(亡命)会議が ダラムサラで発足

反中国組織のチベット人2人を逮捕 ネパール

2010.8.31 08:33


2010年 08月 31日 14:00 JST
 [北京 30日 ロイター] 中国の新華社は30日、警察当局が約2週間前、同国南西部で抗議活動中のチベット人を「偶発的な事故」で射殺したと伝えた。報道が遅れた理由については触れていない。

Shanghai Exposed: Stop the Attack on Tibet's Culture


Dear yoshi,
Starting today through September 5th, the Chinese government isfeaturing "Tibet Week" at the Shanghai World Expo in an attempt to claim Tibetan culture as its own andwhitewash its abysmal human rights record in Tibet.

9/2-9/5 万博において チベット週間が開催されている

The theme of "Tibet Week" is "Heaven in Tibet". Nothing could be further from the truth in Chinese-occupied Tibet.
テーマは チベットの天国

While the Chinese government parades state-sponsored Tibetan culture on the stage in Shanghai,scores of Tibetan artists, writers, musicians, bloggers, and otherpublic figures have been arrested, imprisoned, harassed, ordisappeared for speaking out about the aspirations, おhehardships, and the deepening pride and unity of Tibetans living under Chinese occupation.

チベット文化週間の間 チベット関係の作家や芸術家や音楽家や ブログを書くものさえ、公的に発信するものは逮捕され、刑務所にいれられ、虐待され、そして消息不通になっている。

TAKE ACTION: Stop the Attack on Tibet's Culture

http://www.studentsforafreetibet.org/img/pic/I_Am_Tibetan_small.jpg1. Watch and share new videos from inside Tibet expressing Tibetan unity, pride, and a collective vision for the future (videos courtesy of High Peaks Pure Earth). 

SFT is highlighting the explosion of "I am Tibetan" videos and poems from Tibet in Episode 03 of the Renaissance Series. "I am Tibetan ང་བོད་པ་ཡིན།": Voices from Occupied Tibet is being held today, September 1st, in front of the Chinese Consulate in New York City: http://www.sfthq.org

Call for the Release of Tibetan Writers, Artists, and Musicians:
The Chinese government is targeting Tibetan cultural figures in an attempt tosilence them. But with your help, we can amplify their voices andeffectively campaign for their release. (below: Tibetan scholar Shogdung, arrested in April 2010)

下記署名行動の HPに行こう
3. Change your Facebook profile picture and other social networking avatars. Express your pride in being Tibetan and/or support for the Tibetan people.

Chose an image from the list below (right click on image to save) or design your own:


Find more and read about the significance of these Tibet-themed avatars on High Peaks Pure Earth.

4. Text a message of support to Tibetan artists and cultural figures by using the hashtag #ihearttibet. We'll translate selected tweets into Tibetan and Chinese so they are more accessible to Tibetans inside Tibet and China.

Inspite of China's repression, the resistance movement in Tibet is gaining momentum. Tibetans, especially the youngergeneration, are rising up and declaring their pride in being Tibetan,and challenging China's apparatus of control in Tibet in new andcreative ways. Read about how Tibetan netizens are using cyberspace to empower themselves, connect with each other, and promote the movement.
5) Spread the Word

特に近くに 中国大使館があれば 「万博での 天国のチベット ボイコット」を ポスターをもって

If you live near a Chinese consulate or embassy, hand out flyers to people entering/leaving the visa office and urge people visiting the Shanghai Expo to boycott the "Heavenly Tibet" pavilion. Write to grassroots@studentsforafreetibet.org and we'll email you a printable flyer.

We always like to hear from you, so please let us know what you or your chapter is doing to expose China's Tibet propaganda at the Shanghai Expo. Send an update to grassroots@studentsforafreetibet.org. We'll be tweeting updates throughout the week on twitter.com/sfthq

Thank you for all that you do for Tibet,

Tendor, Kate, Tendolkar, Stef, Mary-Kate and all of us here at SFT HQ