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胡錦濤主席 訪米時の抗議行動の記録

SFT本部より 先日の胡錦濤主席 訪米時の抗議行動の記録が贈られてきました。

また ICTからも 同時期おこなった 胡錦濤主席宛、アメリカ大統領宛の抗議文送付に関しての感謝の連絡も来ております、

日本では まだまだ中国の顔色をうかがっている節があり、 今から10数年前はココム規制で 中国には技術供与をしないと、警察を含めた取締りがあったことが懐かしく思うこのごろです。




Dear yoshi,

http://sft.convio.net/images/content/pagebuilder/11854.jpgLast week, Chinese President Hu Jintao was confronted by the skeletons in his closet.

Tibetans and their supporters dogged the Chinese leader everywhere he went during his 3-day visit to Washington, D.C. Giant skeleton puppets representing Hu’s failed leadership and decades of repressive policies in Tibet haunted him in the streets of the U.S. capital.
Watch a video roundup and view photos of the colorful protests.
From implementing martial law in Tibet in 1989 to his ongoing crackdown against pro-Tibet protesters, Hu Jintao has pursued policies that brutalize and marginalize the Tibetan people. Read the press release by Students for a Free Tibet (SFT) and the Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC) denouncing Hu Jintao’s failed leadership on Tibet and highlighting the Tibetan people’s enduring spirit of resistance.

SFT and TYC also jointly projected pro-Tibet images onto the Chinese embassy in D.C. during Hu's visit.

http://sft.convio.net/images/content/pagebuilder/11851.jpgOn Wednesday, SFT’s Executive Director, Tenzin Dorjee (Tendor), spoke at a coalition rally in front of the White House alongside representatives from the Ugyhur, Taiwanese, Burmese, Chinese democracy and human rights communities. Each speaker echoed the call for long overdue change in Tibet and in China; Beijing must respect universal values of human rights and freedom if China is to be truly accepted as an equal among nations and a leader on the world stage.

Our Pressure is Working! Thanks to the consistent pressure on the Obama administration over the past two years, Tibet was raised as a central issue in the United States' human rights agenda with China. President Obama pressed his Chinese counterpart to engage in a meaningful dialogue with the Dalai Lama and his representatives.
http://sft.convio.net/images/content/pagebuilder/11853.jpgThrough our continued efforts, we can ensure that our government leaders collectively stand up to China and press for an end to its illegal occupation of Tibet.

In the coming months, Tibetans and their supporters around the world will take part in what has become an annual Lobby Day for Tibet. On this day we visit our elected representatives, update them on the situation inside Tibet, and ask for their support of the Tibetan people's nonviolent struggle for freedom.

If you are interested in taking part in the Lobby Day events, please contact: grassroots@studentsforafreetibet.org and we’ll send you more information pertaining to your country.

Thank you for all that you do for Tibet.

With hope,
Tendor, Tendolkar, Kate, Stefanie, Mary-Kate, Tentsetan and all of us at SFT HQ

News roundup of the protests in Washington, D.C:

President Hu Jintao's 'Skeletons' Dance Outside White House in Human Rights Protest (ABC News): http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/president-obama-hu-jintao-china-human-rights-record/story?id=12650071

Barack Obama risks China's ire with human rights remarks (Guardian): http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/jan/19/barack-obama-china-human-rights

Obama publicly raises human rights with China's Hu (Reuters): http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE70C12520110119?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews

Reactions to Hu's visit highlight a stark divide among Chinese Americans (Washington Post): http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/01/19/AR2011011903925.html

China's President Begins U.S. Visit (CBS): http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=7259576n&tag=contentMain;contentBody

US and China Agree Human Rights Dialogue (Sky News - watch first video for Tibet coverage): http://is.gd/aGom99

White House defends Hu state visit invite (AFP): http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20110118/pl_afp/uschinadiplomacyrights_20110118193102

CNN Footage Captures Tibet Chants as Hu Arrives for State Dinner: http://www.cnn.com/video/?/video/politics/2011/01/19/vo.state.dinner.arrivals.cnn

Associated Press Footage of Protest in front of Chinese Embassy: http://video.ap.org/?f=AP&pid=Os0b6lLIYFwvhGDXAF2clBViwJ4WwMx4

International Campaign for Tibet's Statement on U.S.-China Summit: http://savetibet.org/media-center/ict-press-releases/ict-statement-us-china-summit-positive-development-human-rights-and-tibet

Support SFT's hard-hitting actions for Tibetan freedom:

1月17日、【国際チベットネットワーク】から米中サミッット 直前の
を送ってください」に、急なお知らせにも関わらず 、ご協力いただき、ありがとうご
ICT(International Campaign for Tibet)ワシントン本部の政府機
関担当局長、Todd Steinのブログからサミット後のまとめ(日本語訳)『オバ
SFT HQの、在米中国大使館へのアクションビデオも、あわせてご覧
原文ICT ブログ:http://weblog.savetibet.org/2011/01/21/obama-hu-summit-the-