
チベット独立と支那共産党に物言う人々の声です 転載はご自由に  HPは http://palden.org

藤田理麻さんの絵が SFT でオークションされています

藤田理麻さんの絵が SFT でオークションされています。
いい値段で 落札して欲しいですね。
芸術家が このように チベット支援をしてくれているのですね。

日本でも チベット支援を


The Fourth Annual ART FOR TIBET Online Auction is LIVE! Bidding will end this Saturday Dec 1 at 3pm EST.

Artist: Rima Fujita

DON'T MISS your chance to view and bid on artworks from more than 50 acclaimed artists including Shepard Fairey, His Holiness the Karmapa, Mark Borthwick, Ryan McGinness, Melodie Provenzano, Pema Rinzin, ROSTARR, Tenzing Rigdol, Ang Tsherin Sherpa, The Sucklord, and many more.

Art for Tibet is a unique opportunity to help the Tibetan cause. Not only can you secure invaluable artworks at affordable prices, but your purchase will also provide financial support to Students for a Free Tibet at this critical time.

With the recent spike in self-immolations and thousands of students taking to the streets in Tibet to demand freedom and the return of the Dalai Lama, your help has never been more urgently needed.

The support of the artist community through an event like Art for Tibet provides our movement with inspiration and encouragement at a time when nearly 90 Tibetans have lit their own bodies on fire to protest the Chinese government's oppression in Tibet. Art for Tibet highlights the very rights Tibetans are dying to achieve.

Bid online today: http://benefitevents.com/auctions/sft2012/. All proceeds go to support the work of Students for a Free Tibet.
If you're on Facebook, please JOIN our event page and help spread the word by inviting all your friends: http://www.facebook.com/events/463191897064795/

Thanks again for your support. Art for Tibet is one of very few annual fundraising events held by SFT, so please don't miss this opportunity to promote Tibetan freedom through art.

In solidarity,
Kurt Langer,
Board of Directors, Students for a Free Tibet International

http://sft.convio.net/images/content/pagebuilder/Shepard_Fairey.jpegAng Tsherin Sherpa, Anonymous, Anthony Carlos Molden, Arpana Rayamajhi, Ashley Zelinskie, Ben Baker, Billy Roids, Bruno Levy, Bwana Spoons, Celia Gerard, Christian Mendoza, Chungpo Tsering, Cody Hudson, Damion Silver, Dennis Kane, Francisco Osorio, Grant Worth, Guy Postill, Hillary Levin, Hisham Bharoocha, JK5, John Peet, Jose Luis Sanchez Rull, Justin Carty, Karen Ingram, Karen Zilly, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, Kenzo Minami, Kevin Connolly Gillespie, Kiino Villand, Kimyon Huggins, Kwan Sheung Chi, Kylin, Maki Kaoru, Mari Iwahara, Mark Borthwick, Matt Jones, Melodie Provenzano, Michela Muserra, Mike Egan, Mio Murakami, Nancy Jo Johnson, Naomi Kazama, Ngawang Jorden, Nicholas Forker, Oyama Enrico Isamu Letter, Pema Rinzin, Rabkar Wangchuk, Rima Fujita, Rosemary Taylor, ROSTARR, Ryan McGinness, Sam Heydt, Shelter Serra, Shepard Fairey, Shigeru Oyatani, Sasquatch23, Sodhon, The Sucklord/Suckadelic, Tenzin Phakmo,Tenzing Rigdol,  Tillamook Cheddar, Tomoko Sugimoto, Virginia Wagner, Yuri Shimojo, Yuvak Tuladhar, Yvonne Jacquette and many more.