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Dear Yesterday morning, I received some terrible news: Another young Tibetan monk has taken his own life, by setting himself on fire in protest of China’s religious repressions.
Tsewang Norbu of Nyitso Monastery was more than likely as unassuming and humble as any of his Tibetan monk brothers. So when he sat down on a bridge outside a local government office in Kham, spread out pro-Tibet leaflets, and began calling for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet, there should have been cause for alarm.
Then he took a canister of gasoline, doused himself with it, and lit himself on fire.
It’s clear that Tsewang believed this was the way he could call the attention of the world to the unbearable, repressive actions the Chinese government is perpetrating in Tibet.
It’s our duty – yours and mine – to ensure that his tragic death was not in vain.
Please sign our petition to Gary Locke – new U.S. Ambassador to China – today, urging him to use all the power of U.S. diplomacy to stop China’s human rights violations and the cultural and religious repressions at the heart of tragedies like the deaths of Tsewang and Phuntsok.
With your voice, you can help. Your action can make sure some good comes from something so tragic.
With thanks,
Mary Beth Markey
今日(16日)の朝、カンゼチベット族自治州の党書記Lui Dao Pingがタウに到着した。今日、地域の全ての学校、レストラン、カフェは閉ざされた。Lui Dao Pingは故人への法要を全て禁止する命令を出した。更に彼は僧院に対し、即刻遺体を当局に引き渡すよう言い渡した。