By Tendar Tsering
DHARAMSHALA, November 17: Parliamentarians in South Africa and Australia
have raised concerns over the recent spate of self-immolations in Tibet,
as a result of which six Tibetans have died since March this year.
焼身抗議の最近の急増に対する懸念を引き起こしました。 6人のチベット人は今年3月
Michael Danby and Laurie Ferguson, both members of the Australian parliament
called upon China to end its “heightened repressive measures” against the monks
at Kirti Monastery in Ngaba in eastern Tibet.
その東部チベットのNgabaのKirti Monasteryの僧侶に対しての『 高められた弾圧」
Danby, Chair of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and
Trade, speaking in the Australian parliament last week said that the crackdown
on Tibetan monks since the 2008 uprising has been “brutal and repressive.”
ダンビー、Foreign Affairs、DefenceとTradeの上の常任委員会の委員長は、
“The crackdown on the monks at Kirti Monastery exemplifies the wider crackdown
across Tibet against any expression of Tibetan identity through their religious
practice. This process of eliminating Tibetan cultural heritage and
the removal of monks from their monasteries is in direct violation of the freedom
of religion and belief," Danby said.
「Kirti Monasteryの僧侶に対する取締りは、彼らの宗教的実践を通してチベットのアイデンティティのどんな表現力に対して、チベットの全域でより広 い取締りを例証としています。彼らの寺院からチベットの文化的な遺産と僧侶の除去の このプロセスは、信仰の自由と信念の直接の違反であります」 と、ダンビーは言いました。
Last month, the Australian government had asked Beijing to address the
underlying causes of tensions in Tibet.
Mario GK Oriani Ambrosini and Steve Mokgalapa last week paid tribute to
35-year old Tibetan nun Palden Choetso, who burned herself to death,
calling for freedom in Tibet, and return of the Dalai Lama earlier this month.
南アフリカ議会で声 明として、議会、マリオGKオリアーニ・アンブロジーニと
帰りを叫んで死ぬほど火傷しました35才のチベットの尼僧Palden Choetsoに敬意を
"We must join hands and voices to urge the Chinese government to stop its
repressive polices and human rights violations, allow basic freedom of religion
and speech, allow independent media and international delegation of
parliamentarians to travel to Tibetans areas to examine the actual situation,
" Mario-Ambrosini appealed to the parliament.
「我々 は中国政府に止めるよう迫るための抑圧する警備の手と声に加わらなければ
なりません。そして、人権侵害を 議員の独立したメディアと国際的代表団が
Steven Mokgalapa, while addressing the Parliament, urged fellow
parliamentarians to stand up for the rights of the Tibetans.
"As a nation that has benefited from international pressure to end apartheid,
we too need to support the right to self-determination of to other states," said