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Invitation: Uyghurs Call  ウイグルの為に立ち上がれ集会(全世界)







午後7:00 EET(ベイルート
午後5:00 GMT(ロンドン)
午後12:00 EST(ニューヨーク)
午前9:00 PST(サンフランシスコ)





Avaazは、5500万人のグローバルキャンペーンネットワークであり、世界の人々の意見と価値観がグローバルな意思決定を確実に形成するために機能しています。 (「Avaaz」は、多くの言語で「声」または「歌」を意味します。)Avaazメンバーは、世界のすべての国に住んでいます。私たちのチームは6大陸の18か国に広がり、17の言語で運営されています。 Avaazの最大のキャンペーンについてはこちらをご覧ください。または、FacebookTwitterInstagramでフォローしてください。



Dear Lovely Avaazers,

I feel so grateful to be part of a community with people who are standing up for the Uyghur people. While most of the world’s governments have remained silent, we are speaking up for the Uyghurs.

That is why I am excited to invite you to have a conversation in person with a brave Uyghur woman. This Monday, March 2nd we will gather to talk with her, and to hear about her personal journey to activism on behalf of Uyghur people around the world.

This Gathering is for all of us to reflect and share together - on how we wish to work for those 1 million Uyghurs who have been brutally detained and brainwashed, and the many more whose entire culture is being systematically erased. And to engage directly with a woman whose family is amongst that one million.

Together, we will dive into the heart, bravery, and resilience that is required of us all as we work to protect essential human rights in China and around the world.

If you feel called to this purpose, I look forward to gathering with you on March 2.

Free the Uyghurs Gathering
Monday, 2 March
8:00 pm TRT (Istanbul)
7:00 pm EET (Beirut)
5:00 pm GMT (London)
12:00 pm EST (New York)
9:00 am PST (San Francisco)

Click to RSVP to the Gathering

I look forward to seeing and connecting with you in this Gathering. May it further connect all of us as one humanity working to promote the rights of those most oppressed.

With hope and determination,

Andrew and the whole Avaaz team