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= 中国がメコンを絞め殺した=海外メディアがダム建設を批判―中国メディア =


モバイル版URL : http://rchina.jp/article/40681.html 
2010年3月19日、網易は記事「中国西南地区に世紀の大干ばつ=海外メディアはメコン川中国流域部 指摘」を掲載した。  
中国西南地区を深刻な干ばつが襲っている。「中華人民共和国成立以来最悪の干ばつです」と中国 学研究院洪水干ばつ予防対策研究所の専門家は語った。昨年は例年より雨期の終わりが早く、今年 到来した。雲南省だけで600万人の飲料水が不足し、農作物に15億ドル(約1360億円)もの被害が出
干ばつは中国西南地区のみならず、東南アジア各国にも深刻な影響を与えている。メコン川は十数 を記録。水位が1メートルを切った地域も多く、船舶も航行できなくなった。タイをはじめとする東南アジア が建設したメコン川上流の複数のダムが原因との声が上がっている。タイ紙バンコクポストは「中国 め殺した」とのタイトルで事態を報じた。  
一方、中国の専門家は事実無根だと反論している。乾期の間、中国のダムは一切貯水してない。逆 を放水するため、水量は35%増加しているという。また国境付近の建設が予定されていたダムが貴重 が確認されたため中止されるなど環境にも十分配慮していると主張した。(翻訳・編集/KT) 

この記事のURL : http://www.recordchina.co.jp/group.php?groupid=40681


Today is World Water Day, an international day set aside tohighlight the critical role of freshwater in our world:http://www.worldwaterday.org/ . Tibet, known by many scientistsas the "Third Pole," is home to some 40,000 glaciers and storesmore freshwater than any region aside from the North and Southpoles. Tibet's glaciers also feed seven of Asia's great rivers,providing water for six million Tibetans and more than onebillion people in 11 countries downstream. TAKE ACTION: Tell China to Stop Polluting Tibet's Water:

Under China's military occupation, Tibetans have been deniedrightful control over their own natural resources. Decades offailed Chinese government policies and politically motivatedindustrialization in Tibet, including mining, dams, and logging,have polluted Tibet's great rivers with devastating consequencesfor both Tibetan communities and those downstream.  As the global community comes together today to recognize theimportance of clean water, please take action to help protectTibet's water resources for the Tibetan people, and for allthose who rely on water from Tibet. Send a letter to China's Minister of Environmental Protection,Zhou Shengxian, calling on the Chinese government to immediatelycease mining, damming, and other harmful resource extractionprojects in Tibet until Tibetans are in a position to freelydetermine the use of their own natural resources:

Given the importance of Tibet's rivers to the rest of Asia, weare also urging the Chinese government to immediately engage intrans-boundary discussions with downstream states that have astake in the future of Tibet's water. Your letter will be copiedto UN-Water Chair Zahar Adeel who works to strengthen globalcoordination of freshwater resources:http://www.unwater.org/flashindex.html  Returning ownership of Tibet's resources to the Tibetan peopleis not only the right thing to do as a matter of justice, but itis also the most effective way to ensure that the water flowingfrom Tibet's great mountains will be protected for use bygenerations to come. In solidarity, Tendor, Kate, TenDolkar, Schuyler, Mary Kate and all of us atSFT HQ Learn more about Tibet's water & environment: Tibetan Plateau blog: 
http://tibetanplateau.blogspot.com/ . 

Thisblog shares news, information and perspectives on environmentaland development issues in Tibet. Tibet's Rivers Strangled by Dams:

Tibet's Water Pollution and China's "Global Warming":

China's plans to dam Tibet:

Mine Dispute Largely Settled:

China says water pollution double official figure:

Tibet: The World's 'Third Pole':
 Visit the web address below to tell your friends about this. 

If you received this message from a friend, you can sign up forStudents for a Free Tibet's Online Action Center at: 