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12月10日 人権週間であり ノーベル平和賞授与の日です

SFTからの人権へのアピールと 中国のリーダへの署名運動

This Friday, December 10th, marks the 61st anniversary of Human Rights Day, a day set aside to recognize the inherent rights of every individual and to take action for those who have been denied their rights.

This year, Tibetans and their supporters worldwide are joining Chinese democracy advocates and human rights groups to celebrate the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to imprisoned Chinese intellectual and activist Liu Xiaobo on Human Rights Day.
Liu Xiaobo is currently serving an 11-year sentence on charges of "inciting subversion of state power” for his part in writing and promoting 'Charter 08,' which calls for legal reforms, democracy, and protection of human rights in China.

He is also a long-time supporter of the Tibetan people's right to self-determination. His seat at the Nobel Prize ceremony in Oslo, Norway will remain empty; a stark reminder to the world of the Chinese government's blatant disregard for human rights.

刑務所に08憲章などの民主運動で11年の刑で服役している劉氏の2010年度のノーベル平和賞の受賞を祝うと共に 彼が長い間 チベットの人々の自治権への支援者であったことでもある。 空席のノーベル賞授賞式が中国政府が人権侵害を繰り返している事を全世界に知らしめるいいチャンスでもあろう。

This Human Rights Day, we are also profiling the cases of three Tibetan heroes – Dhondup Wangchen, Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, and Runggye Adak – all jailed by China for demanding human rights for Tibetans and for bravely expressing their opposition to Chinese policies in Tibet.

人権に関しても チベットの中国警察にたいして勇気をもって反対を示し、チベット人の人権を要求した結果
刑務所につながれた3人のチベットヒーロー Dhondup Wangchen, Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, and Runggye  Adakの ことも知らせたい

下記に 署名等のことが要請されています


  1. Sign a petition calling on world leaders to press the Chinese government to release Liu Xiaobo and all political prisoners detained by China.

  2. Attend a Human Rights Day event near you. If your city isn't listed contact grassroots@studentsforafreetibet.org
  3. Send personal messages of support to Liu Xiaobo and imprisoned Tibetan heroes.
  4. Take Action in support of Tibetans' language rights. The Chinese government is planning to replace Tibetan with Chinese as the language of instruction in schools in eastern Tibet in a systematic attempt to eliminate the use of Tibetan. Language forms the foundation of Tibet's unique and vibrant culture; to deny Tibetans their language is an attack on their fundamental human rights. Learn more.

  5. Show your solidarity with Chinese and Tibetan human rights defenders on Human Rights Day:
Please let us know about your actions in support of Human Rights Day. Send us an update and photos at grassroots@studentsforafreetibet.org and we'll post in the SFT Blog.
Thank you for speaking up for Liu Xiaobo, Dhondup Wangchen, Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, Runggye Adak, and for taking action for human rights in Tibet and China.

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